Hi everyone,
This is Sean and Kyle trying on their new Halloween costume for this upcoming weekend. They are a character from TV called "flavor-flavor" or short for Flava-fla. They are fun guys to have around the house, even if it was 3am this morning when I took the pic.
I am just about done with week 4 and am looking forward to starting week 5, because then I'll be that much closer to week 6! YEA! Iam doing pretty good. Ihad to give up walking for a while because I began to develop blisters on my feet from the chemo. So the doc said no more walking. Thank goodness my very kind neighbors are picking up my dog, Kiwi, for her nightly walk. I'll probably start again next week, I hope. I am staying pretty close to home, except for the treatments, because on my unperdictable bowels. The mornings are still good for me, but I seem to get pretty tired in the later afternoon and evening, so I have been reading and keeping up with e-mails and such. I am feeling so blessed lately. I have been rained on by so much love and prayers everyday from so many friends and family. It is so heart warming and encouraging. Each day it seems the Lord shows me another blessing associated with my cancer. Today, my 24 year old son Sean, went in for a colonoscopy. Since my diagnose, he mentioned some symptoms he was having. Well, I made him go in and get checked even though his primary doctor brushed it off as "mom being paranoid". Well, sure enough, they found a polyp which they removed. He is doing fine now and glad to be able to eat. You have to fast for one day before you have the test. He apparently has a disposition for creating polyps so the doctor said he has to get checked in 3 more years. If I didn't have this cancer, Sean would not have told me anything, I would not have made the effort to have him checked, and it's a good possibility he would have had cancer in his thirty or forties. God blesses us in so many ways even though some of the blessing don't seem so blessed at the time. We just need to trust Him and know that He loves us always.
Psalm 9:1-2
I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all the wonders.
I will be glad and exult in thee. I will sing praise to Thy name O Most High.