It's another beautiful moring in blogger land! The picture of my very happy dog Kiwi shows how I am feeling as I blog, because I went to UCSF for my second opinion yesterday. I had many questions answered about my chemo regimine and am very happy about the new change. It is recommended that I switch from using Folfox 4 for 6 months to Folfox 6 for 4 months. That means that I only have 7 more cycles of treatment to go, and I'll be done with it by May if all goes well! The difference from Folfox 4 to folfox 6 is that I only have to go to treatment every other week for two days instead of three, I get less 5-FU each cycle but a little more Oxaliplatin, and since it's for 8 cycles instead of the 12, it gives less toxicity to the body overall. The data shows no difference in outcome, so less is better. Also, it is recommended I do not take Avastin because of all the unknown and unanswered questions that Avastin carries for stage III cancer. Finally, the doctor also recommended that once I am through with treatement, I get a CT scan every 3 months for the next 3 years due to the 25% risk factor of it re-occuring. I will have my scans done at UCSF. It's amazing to me how each time I have been to UCSF, my course of treatment has changed. I can't stress to you how important it is to get a second opinion and even a third if need be. When you are talking about a life, it is well worth the time and effort. It's pretty scary not knowing what to do when each decision is so important and life threating, but knowing that God is with me, guiding me and showing me each step or path to take is what keeps me at peace. I know God is in control and He will continue to watch over my family and me each and every day.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.