Happy 2008 Blogger Buddies! It's been over a month since I have blogged and since I have had any medical test done. WOW!!! It's been a wonderful break for sure. Christmas was fun and very hectic as usual. Bonnie and Ricky moved in for 1 week during the Christmas break. With Brigitte and Kyle staying here, Sean popping in most days, the newlyweds and their animals, it was a busy and crowded place, but filled with laughter, love and entertainment. What a blessing to have such a wonderful group of young adults around. Casey and I enjoyed it very much. Just after Christmas, Bonnie and Ricky moved to Chico where Ricky will finish his degree in Construction Management along side Kyle. Bonnie, with her new degree in hand, is out looking for the right job to support the new household. Brigitte stayed here until last Saturday and Kyle stayed only one week during the break, and one week in Tahoe to enjoy the huge storm. Both have commitments back in Chico now for Lacrosse and Rugby even though school doesn't start until the 28th. Last Saturday Casey and I got to watch our first Rugby game. It's a very rough game and I have no idea why anyone would want to play it let alone like it!!! They just slam on each other trying to get a fat looking football across a goal. I just hope Kyle's knee holds up.
As for me, I'm feeling fine. I have joined the local health club and am doing Pilate's. It is great for my back and my stiffness that seems to be ever present. The first week in Feb I go in for my next CT scan and then I'll get the results on the 20th. With Gods continued blessing, I will be fine. I have been taking 1000IU of vitamin D, cod liver oil, baby aspirin, multi vitamin, and a combo of A, C and E as well. There has been many studies to show the benefits of A, C and E to help ward off reoccurrence. I feel great and have yet to get a cold or flu even though my white count is still in the 2 range; 4-11 is average.
I hope and pray everyone had a happy Christmas and fun fulled new year. God bless you all in 2008. May He keep you healthy, happy and close to Him.
Numbers 6:24 The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."