Hi Blogger buddies, All is well on the Brierley front. The picture is of Brigitte at her Davis VS Chico game two weeks ago. My sister Nicky took this great picture of Brigitte's goal. Can you see the ball?? This past weekend we were able to spend the weekend watching her play 3 games during champinships and celebrating Kyle's 21st birthday in Chico. I can't believe Kyle is 21! Yikes!! Anyway we had a very good weekend and God blessed me with my health. This last treatment put me in bed for 2 days, but it was Thursday and Friday so that's why I was good to go by Saturday. It seems to be a pattern that I get sick for two days sometime during the week after treatment. I'm still trying different drugs to try and help with the neasea and bowel problem associated with the chemo. Plus this last treatment dropped my overall white counts down to 2.2 (4-11 is normal) and the Neutrophils or baby whites are down to .8 (1.8-7.8 is normal) so unless my counts go back up by Monday my treatment will be posponed for a week. I will know more tomorrow when I see the doctor. I feel fine right now so it's hard to imagin I won't have treatment. This treatment has been much harder on my system than the past treatments of last year. The good news is I haven't noticed any side effects of the Avastin so far and that is good. So please pray that my counts go up and I go into remission for ever! I know that all is possible with God. I am on His path and I feel at peace knowing that He is with me every step. I have been keeping my focus on Him and His promise and that makes me feel so at peace with everything. His love and presence gives me the strength to fight this battle. So in keeping with this battle, I have join a Relay for Life team called "Hikers for Hope". The relay is July 26th 2008 in Pleasanton. Our team is focusing on colon cancer. Please visit my team page at http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RelayForLifeCaliforniaDivision?px=6076777&pg=personal&fr_id=9814 Any support will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you to everyone for love and support for me and my family. This verse is how I have been feeling about Jesus's promise. "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be toubled, neither let it be afraid" John 14:27