Happy Anniversary to me!! It's been two years since my diagnose. It's a happy anniversary because I'm here to celebrate it! Plus, there have been many blessing that have come from my dx. I've gotten so much closer to God, my family and my friends. I have learned to appreciate every moment and I try not to sweat the small stuff. I've met some very nice people and reconnected with my old friends. Plus I know that there are people that have gotten their colonoscopy after my dx and now they won't have to deal with having colon cancer in their life time. So you can see there are many blessing that come along with my anniversary. The pics are of our last trip to Lake Almanor in early August. We had a great time with the Allens and Pinelli's playing on the beach, boating, walking, biking, golfing etc.. all the fun things to do when on vacation. Casey is cooking and Kyle is doing what he likes best!
I had my CT scan this last Thursday and if the report is done by tomorrow I'll try and have it faxed to my doctor in Dublin so I can get the results. If it's not done then I'll have to wait till my next doctor appt at UCSF in the middle of September. I have my next treatment on Wednesday afternoon so I have my routine blood work tomorrow with a doctor appt. They always check to make sure I'm at least 1.3 or above with my white count. (Average white count is 4-11.) Anyway, I'm feeling fine except for putting in lots of extra hours at work trying to get ready for the students. So I've been more tired at night and I only can walk 3.5 miles instead of longer. School starts for Brigitte, Kyle and Ricky on Monday at Chico and Sean starts in late September at Cal State East Bay. We now get to pay for 3 tuitions! Please keep my in your prayers this next week that the scan comes out clear and the next treatment goes easy. I know that God listens to all prayers, and He answers them in His time. He's been with me every step. I hope you all know that He is there for you too. James 5:16 Pray for one another,that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.