Hi Blogger Buddies, This picture is of Kyle playing rugby during an alumni game in Chico. It was in the local school paper from Chico. When he's not studying he's playing. You have to be young and maybe a little crazy to play this game! It's a rough sport but he loves it. I just got back from the Oncologist at UCSF. All is good! The tumors are still shrinking, about 15% or so, and that is good. The next step is to determine if I can have the surgery to remove them. He said now is the time to make the decision since I'm in good shape and have handled the chemo well. I will have a PET scan next Monday and if there are no surprises then I'll probably opt for the surgery. There are risks involved but the alternative is to stay on chemo for the rest of my life. The chemo will shrink the tumors only so far but they won't disappear. After the tumors no longer respond to the chemo I'm currently on, then I'd have to go to experimental drugs. There was the possibility of using Erbitux as another chemo but I had the K-ras mutation test done on my original tumor and it showed I was resistant to Erbitux. That means I have the mutation and so the tumor will not respond to that drug. If I have the surgery then it would hopefully give me more time than what I'd expect on chemo. Maybe even a lot more time. Some of the risks are that I have to be off the Avastin and chemo for 6-8 weeks before surgery. It could grow then. Also, it has happened that when you have surgery to remove a tumor, for some reason the body responds by producing lots of cancer right away. And finally there is risk in having surgery, like staff infection and complications. I will need two surgeries. The gut area is more crucial so that's the one he wants to do first. If all goes well then 6 weeks later he'll do the surgery for the lungs. The surgeries would take place at UCSF. So there is lots to think about and lots to be thankful for. I have been praying for the option of surgery. I have trust in my doctors and I have full trust in God and His word. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. God has a plan for me and I will continue to trust in Him. I know that there is power in prayer so THANK YOU for all your love, support and prayers. God bless you all and have a very happy and Thankful Thanksgiving. I know I will!!!