Hi blogger buddies,
It seems a long time since I last posted. First pic is of my sister and me on the pier in Santa Barbara last weekend. Brigitte had a turnament so I went to watch. Then the next is of Brigitte making a shot. Notice the ball just leaving her stick and heading into the net? The last pic is of Brigitte and one of her teammates Megan at a recent lacrosse tournament at Berkeley. Aren't they cute! Casey and I thought we were done with all the sports games after Brigitte graduated from high school, but it continues on and on ..... We love it still! I finally got the results of my colonoscopy and all was clear. A biopsy had been taken because the dr had seen some irritation at the site of the incision but all was clear and no polyps. YEA! I am now on a maintenance regimen of Xeloda and Avastin. It's been going well except for the blisters on my feet. The first few weeks had me limping and not able to walk with my dog Kiwi. Thank God for my wonderful neighbors who continually take Kiwi for walks when I can't. Anyway, I have now joined a gym so I can try to swim and do stretch classes. The chemo caused my joints to become very stiff and sore. I've been taking Yin Yoga and it really helps. My body seems to have adjusted somewhat to the new chemo because I can take a walk once in awhile with my dog as long as I don't push it. My hands are also effected but no blisters so far and that I'm am grateful for. I have my next CT in March so please keep those prayers coming that all is clear and the chemo is working. The next big event in my life has been me going out on disability (private insurance) from work. I have noticed over the last few months that my energy isn't quite up to where it had been, plus the problems I continue to have with the blisters has caused me to re-evaluate my situation. I had been encouraged by my drs to consider it. I know I can take better care of myself and keep up my strength when not working so once again I am not working at school, but working on my health. I can't be of any help to anyone if I can't take care of myself. Plus the possibility of me getting sick was pretty high considering I was at a school working on lots of computers. It was a very hard decision to make but I know it was the right one. In a way I have felt like I was stepping into the abiss with my life and direction. But I also know that God is helping along this new path and new focus. So part of my new focus (aside from my health) is the Relay for Life once again. This time as a team captain. The team is called Hope West Coast. If you are in the Pleasanton area and would like to join, I would consider it a privlidge to walk with you. Here is the info and web site http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?pg=entry&fr_id=13833
I will keep you all updated on my next Ct scan March 18th and also on my relay team. God bless you all and thank you for your continued prayers. I feel them and I know that God is watching over me daily. Isaiah 12:2 "Behold, God is my salvation , I will trust and not be afraid; For the Lord God is my strenght and song. And He has become my salvation." God is my salvaton and my hope for tomorrow and He will be yours too if you let Him.