Hi Blogger Buddies and happy day today! I am doing well. I was in the city on Monday for a CT and then spent the remainder of the day sight seeing with Brigitte. The pic is of Brig on the trolley car that we took to Fisherman's wharf. We shopped at Union square, ate lunch and rode the trolley. We had a great day. Then today I went back for the results and all is good. No change, no growth, all is stable. I'm going to cut down on my chemo pills to one week on the pills and two weeks off. This is because the pills caused me to have so many blisters and burned feet that I was having a hard time walking at all. My hands were burned as well and now they are peeling. I'll stay on the Avastin every three weeks as planned. I continue to go to the gym and I have even been able to start walking my dog again since being off the chemo. I'll start back on the pills again in April and hopefully the lesser dose will be easier on my feet and hands. Last month I purchased a juicer. I actually don't' mind drinking carrot juice now and I'm having fun experimenting with different flavors. Juicing is good for me because I get the vitamins without the fiber. Plus I continue to take about 11 vitamins to keep me strong. So life is good and I Praise God for each day I have! After my dr apt today Casey, Brigitte and I went to see the play "Wicked". Casey read in the paper that you can purchase tickets for $25 if you show up 2.5 hours before the performance. You put your name in a raffle and if they call your name you can buy the tickets. It was amazing! Another wonderful day in the city. I left feeling very blessed to have such good news and the opportunity to see a wonderful play. Another Cancer blessing is that it has taught me never to take a single day for granted and I don't. On another note, these past few weeks have been rough because Cindy, a very close friend of mine, was called home to Heaven. She had been dx two months before me so we supported each other through many rounds of chemo, scans and emotions. She was in my bible study and was one of my sisters in Christ. She will be very missed but I know that she is very happy and free of cancer now. Our relay team this year is in memory of Cindy and for those I know personally that are in the battle right now. If you feel like coming out to walk during the relay, or would like to join the team, I would love to have you. And above all, donations are always welcome. The money that is being raised now may one day save your own life. The ACS supports research and that is how we will one day win the fight against cancer for all. Below is my link for relay. Thank you so much for all your love, prayers and encouragement throughout my journey. Studies have shown that people that have a strong support network, a strong faith and people who pray for them do live longer and better. So thank you for helping me to live strong! I will end here with the last verse I read to Cindy the week before she passed. John 14:1-4 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am . You know the way to the place where I am going." Cindy and I had talked about Heaven and what it will be like. We both had a sense of peace knowing that there is more than just this life here. She will continue to live in my memory until we meet again in our new home with Christ.
Relay for Life: