Hi Blogger Buddies! I hope everyone is doing great! The pics are of Kyle at his graduation last Friday in Chico CA. Yes, he is finally done with Construction Management. Now he just has to get a job!!! If he doesn't find one soon, I have LOTS of repair that needs to be done around my house. That should get him looking for a real job fast! He's also motivated to find work because he really doesn't want to live back at home after being out for about 5 years. He moves in this next week so it's going to be a little trying getting used to having him around again. Brigitte will also be moving in but just until the beginning of August. She starts her student teaching Aug 11th in an elementary class up in Chico. I guess I'll have to start cooking dinners every night again. At least I won't have leftovers go bad in the frig anymore!
Well, I'm on a chemo holiday now. It happened because after the number 8 treatment I got the flu and was sick for about a week. Really sick. Casey even got sick himself but he recovered within 4 days. So when I was scheduled for #9 treatment I told the dr I couldn't do the full treatment because I hadn't recovered fully from the flu. She gave me a lighter treatment but again I got really sick and it took about 2 weeks to get back to somewhat normal. By this time I decided to go to my GI doctor and discuss the issues I was having. That was a prayer answered immediately because the day I called, they had an opening and I got right in. That never happens unless God intervenes! So in I went and my GI doctor really listened to me and my concerns. He was great and really made me feel like he cared! He decided I may have an infection in the colon or something that can come up with all the treatments I've had. He had me do three stool tests and he's testing for about 10 different things including testing for gluten tolerance. I'll know in about a week the results. I'm also going to have my annual colonoscopy in late June. Yes, it's annual so you people that haven't had one or need to schedule, remember, I get to have one EVERY year!!! It's no big deal so get it done....I needed to make my push! Anyway, since I'm having issues, my GI dr said I should not have any more chemo until I've had the scope; hence the chemo holiday. Hopefully it's just an infection and not the cancer growing, but I'm not too worried about it. My GI said the cancer doesn't cause the issues I've been having. I"m still walking almost everyday and active as ever. Thank God I have kept up my strength. I have way too much living to do including the Relay for Life walk in July. If you are able to help support me in this wonderful cause I would be very grateful. It's a very important event that will help all of us and our children, and their children and ... Cancer touches almost everyone in some way and we have to stop it. Raising funds to help with this fight is so important so please if you can help by visiting my Relay page at
http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLFY10CA?px=9374997&pg=personal&fr_id=20507 (cut and paste this link into a new window please)
and click on donate. If you would like a luminaria bag in memory or honor of a loved one, please sign up for that as well. It's a nice way to remember those who have fought the battle.
Thank you in advance for your help and please continue to keep me and my family in your prayers that the cancer doesn't grown while I am on a chemo holiday. I know that God hears my prayers because He lets me know I am not alone in this journey. I was pretty down when I made the call to my GI but when I got in the same day and felt the doctor listened and cared, I was once again reassured that God is in control and leading me in this path. I am on His time and no one else. Acts 2:25-26 "I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope". I live in hope because God lives in me.