Hi blogger, Well Sean did it! He graduated from Cal State East Bay a week ago. The pic is from left, Alexis, Bonnie, Sean, Brigitte, Kyle and Ricky. The other pic is of the kids graduation party celebrating by playing flip cup in our backyard over the weekend. I guess that's what you learn in college??? Sean will continue to work for AMR and will start to apply for fire jobs once again. Because of cutbacks it may be more challenging than completing school! As for Kyle, he started a new job in construction and seems to really like it. It's a small local company that deals with aquatics and dredging mostly in the bay area for commercial and public works. It's a real blessing when these guys can come out of school now and get a job. Boy have times changed in the past few years...
As for me, I had my annual colonoscopy on Monday. All was clear!!! They didn't even take a biopsy of anything! The one thing that was noted was a rectal fistula (a very small hole in the rectum) that will have to be addressed. The dr thinks it's caused from damage to the rectum when I had radiation. I see my colorectal surgeon next Monday to discuss what to do about it and also to talk about replacing my port that has quit working. I guess I wore this one out. I also have a CT Monday so please keep me in your prayers. I've been off of all chemo since the middle of May and it's been great. So if the CT is ok, I'll stay off through July at least...we'll see. I know I'm in Gods plan so I'm not too worried about the results. Quartly CT's keep me aware of how much I need and depend on God for my life both physically and mentally. He gives me the peace I need to cope with this disease. Chemo and Radiation do break down the body but Job clarifies what is important. Job 19:25-27 I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God . I myself will see him with my own eyes, I and not another.