Hello everyone out there who has been waiting for an update on Jill. Jill is out of surgery. She went in around 7:30 and came out sometime around 1:30. She was then in recovery for 2 hours. Casey and the kids, Nicki and myself ( Lorette) were able to finally see her around 3:30. Jill looks great and is feeling pretty good. She has an epidural (sp?) drip that is very comfortable for her at least right now. The doctor wants her to rest and take it easy. Casey will be staying with her tonight. The doctors update as I understand it-- a lymph node and other tissue was also removed in the area of the tumor. He thought it looked good but until the results of the biopsy, we don't know for sure the actual stage. Jill is in good spirits, as always, and Casey keeps her laughing. Keep them in your prayers. Jill sends her love to everyone. She is soooooo lifted up by everyone's concern and love and FUNNY cards!!!. She is at the John Muir Hospital ??? in Concord and you can send ecards through their hospital site. I will keep you posted as best as I can. You can call the Brierley household and leave your number. One of us will try to get back to you. Her room is 6013 if you want to send her an ecard. She gave you the address in the blog below. Please don't call the room because she will be resting A LOT!!
Thanks Lorette for the update, we have all been waiting and praying all is well. It is so good of you to update.... so we all know how Jill is doing and don't bother her and let her rest. Please keep the blogs coming... we so appreciate it.
Cuzin Maggi
Lorette, Thank you so much for the update. I tried to send the ecard and they not only need the room number, but they need the bed number as well. I called the hospital and they told me her room number is actually 6213 and she is in bed 1, for anyone else trying to send a card. They don't let you write a personal message in the card, so please send all my love and prayers to Jill! Thank you!
JoAnn Koobatian
Thanks for the input. I updated the information. Jill was resting when the family left around 8:15. Casey is there with her.
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