Hi blogger buddies! All is well in Pleasanton. Brigitte is at her soccer game, Kyle is working at Snug Harbor (my sisters marina), Sean is at work, Bonnie and Ricky are on their way up to visit and Casey is in LA with his parents. so it's a nice quiet day to do some blogging. The pic was taken in Tahoe last weekend when we were looking for Bonnie and Ricky's wedding venue. I had my third cycle of Folfox 6 last Wednesday. All went well. I now feel the neuropathy in my hands most of the time, but it should only last about a week and then subside until the next treatment in two weeks. My energy is still pretty good. I try to walk most days at least 3 miles. I do skip it when it's raining though. Yesterday I took a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day! That is unheard of for me. I have never taken a 3 hour nap in my life so I guess I must be getting tired once in a while. Today I feel back up to speed. As for my weight, I actually gained 3 lbs last week. I was challanged because the nurse told me I wouldn't gain wait with the chemo and the bag. I do like my food and challanges!!! I'm sure I'll lose it this week so I'm not worried. Next week I have an appointment with a dermatologist, OBGYN, and my Oncologist. I do feel like I have been living at the doctor's office lately. Thank you to all who continue to keep me in their prayers. Everyday I feel the Lords blessing in my family and in my life. He does listen to prayers and He continues to bring comfort, peace and hope each and every day.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.
1 comment:
Jill -
Keep up the great work ... you are kicking butt! You are so encouraging to us ... thanks. :)
Love ya,
Scott P & Karen K :)
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