Good morning bloggers! I hope everyone had a nice Easter and had the opportunity to visit with friends and family, and reflect on the gift that Christ gave us through his death. Eternal life with Him. I am very grateful and bless for that. I hope you are too. After Easter Sunday, we went to LA to visit family and enjoy the beach. We celebrated Brigitte's 18th B-day, went prom dress shopping, and just enjoyed looking at the beautiful ocean waves. Then last week I had my 7th chemo cycle. I have one more to go!!! Everything went OK. My blood counts are still holding up, so I feel very fortunate. I did manage to get a cold when I got back, but I seem to be fighting it so far. After my last cycle next week, I will have a Ct scan with non-ionic contrast with meds at UCSF on May 16th. Non-ionic because I am allergic to the regular contrast. The meds are benedrill, Zantack and cortisone to help with reaction. The scan is to check the liver and make sure it's OK and to get a baseline for future scans. Then the following week I will have a pelvic X-ray with contrast to make sure all is healed inside before surgery. Then June 20Th I am scheduled for the "take down" which means I will have my iliostomy and port removed....YEA! The surgery should take about 1-2 hours and the average stay is 2 days. Hopefully I'll be good to go by Bonnie's wedding in July. Thank goodness I have great sisters and friends to help with the last minute details.
Last week was very special. I had the elders of my church lay their hands on my and pray for healing. What a wonderful and loving experience. I truly felt the Lords peace and comfort surround me. I have been so blessed through my cancer experience. I can't imaging going through this without Him.
James 5:14 Is an one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.
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