I'm back! Last Wednesday I went in for the take down of my iliostomy and removal of the port. All went well. The surgery lasted about 2 1/2 hours but I wasn't in a room for another 4 hours because they didn't have a bed for me. They were busy that day. The first day after surgery was fine, but the next day was rough with my body trying to get started again. I came home on Saturday instead of Friday because my doctor was gone and his partner didn't come in to check me out on Friday. That was fine with me because I didn't want to go home after the night I had on Thursday. My sister Nicky took me home Saturday afternoon, because my family was all up in Tahoe for my nephews wedding. Last night we were all back together in the house and that was nice. My body began working, and working, and working again, and again and again.... so I was up all night. Today I took some pain meds and that helped considerably. I was told it will take a few months for my body to really be back to some what normal. I hope sooner because I have to be in shape for Bonnie's wedding in 5 weeks. I'm back on the BRAT diet (banana, rice, apple sauce and toast) and a few other foods. I have to have a low residue diet just like I did when I was in radiation. Then as I heal, I can add more foods a little at a time. In August I will go in for my quarterly CT at UCSF. I will let you all know when I go in and the results.
Thank you to everyone who has kept me in their prayers. I know the Lord heard because the surgery was a success and I am on the road to a full recovery and on the last leg of this journey. This past year has been such a growth and informative time for me. I continue to be amazed and blessed by so many loving, warm and generous people who reach out to me. I hope that I will be able to reciprocate back to all of you when and if you ever need a friend.
Psalms 40:11 Thou O Lord, wilt not withhold Thy compassion from me; Thy loving kindness and Thy truth will continually preserver me.
God bless you all and have a happy and safe July 4th.
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