Merry Christmas Blogger Buddies!!! The last few weeks have been busy as usual. Last weekend we had the great pleasure of watching Bonnie graduate from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo! Yea! One down three to go!! She is now up in Chico searching for an apartment and a job. She and her new husband Ricky, plan to move there in January. Ricky will be attending Chico for Construction Management, the same as Kyle. They'll be taking classes together. Life sure does have strange twists. Last week I had my 3 month Ct scan and this week I had an appointment with the Doctor at UCSF because he wanted to check me and let me know that there are some findings or concerns from the CT. They have noted some "spots" in the lung and liver. Too small to know what they are but are still concerned. It may be nothing or it may be the cancer coming back. So he recommends I have a follow up CT scan in 8 weeks to see if there is more growth. I feel fine, my nodes are clear, not swollen, I'm not sick or tired and my CEA levels are normal. So I keep praying that it's just the nature of CT scans. There are quiet a few mis-diagnoses with CT scans, and that's why they don't recommend routine scans for just anyone. I think part of a cancer battle is the ups and downs that go with it. I'll probably have many more scares in my future but as long as I have God and my faith I know I can handle it. At this point, I feel I have the advantage of being able to appreciate each day in ways others don't, because I know my life is in a precarious situation. My plan at this point is to enjoy the Christmas, the kids, and all the activities during this season. As it says in Luke 12:22-23 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear; Life is more than food and the body more than cloths. Luke 12:25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Luke12:33 But seek his kingdom and all things will be given to you as well." So I will not worry about something I can not change, but I will pray instead because He does listen to all our prayers. Have a wonderful Christmas and may you all feel His love, peace and presence in your life. God bless you and have a happy and HEALTHY New Year!
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