Hi Bloggers, The picture is of Brigitte(#11) playing her favorite sport, Lacrosse. We were in Santa Barbara for the weekend to watch her play. We had a great time and the weather was wonderful. Perfect for those Lacrosse players. Next weekend we head up to Davis and Sacrament to watch Kyle play rugby and Brig play lacrosse. Casey and I thought we were done with sports when Brigitte graduated from high school. Boy were we wrong! It's fun though so we don't mind. Today I had my appointment in San Francisco to review my last scan. The small spot they saw in the liver has not changed and neither has the spot they saw in one lung. Praise the Lord!!! They did however see another spot of concern in the lower right lung so the doctor wants me to have a PET scan to see if the spot has any activity. If it comes out positive then he will cut it out and I'll go back on chemo. If negitive then I just continue with quartly CT scans. I will have the PET scan next wednesday but I won't have results for a week or two after. The doctor is really booked up. I am not worried though because I know that God is going to take care of me. He has not let me down yet and I know He won't. His peace and love through all this has been amazing! I am so blessed. I do pray that when and if any of you find yourself needing peace and hope that you will turn to God. He is there waiting for you with open arms.
John 14:1 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God trust also in me." Jesus tells us to trust Him and so I do. I will trust Him forever.
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