Hello Blogger Buddies,
Well, I finished my 10th treatment last Friday. It was not too easy because the chemo is building up. I was feeling pretty sick until Sunday. Monday I took it easy and today I'm doing better. I'll continue to improve until the next treatment scheduled for October 10th. My white blood counts are getting lower each time, to about 1.5 the day of treatment. I've had it as low as 1.2 on treatment day, but they really don't like to do that. Way too much risk for infection. Stanford requires it to be at 1.5, where normal is 4-11. So the dr said I will be needing a chemo holiday soon. That means I will get a break for one cycle but stay on Avastin. I do plan on taking a break in March when Casey and I go to Hawaii, if all goes well. I also had my visit with Dr Venook at UCSF to go over the last CT. As it turns out, the small tumor in the gut that I thought was gone had moved to a new location, just below the right side of my liver. I didn't know the small intestines could move so much! Anyway, it's there but stable. The one in the lung is shrinking so he said he would re-evaluate in about 6 months to determine if I could go in for surgery. That would be such a blessing!!! Surgery is so much easier than chemo and it's gone after they take it out! I don't worry about it though because I know I'm in the Lords hands. If it's His will then it'll happen, I will just have to be patient and trust Him each and every day. It's an interesting journey He has me on, that's for sure. This journey continues to bring blessings each day such as, I will have tomorrow to enjoy! Plus I still walk most days, work full time and I have so many wonderful loving family and friends that continue to pray for me. How blessed is that!! The picture is from two weeks ago when my friend Linda and her bike team did a 150 mile ride to support MS and my friend MaryJo who has been battling this awful disease for over 10 years. I was part of the team because I got to drive MaryJo and her Mom to the event! It was such an inspiring day seeing so many people riding for a cause. Very much like relay for life. It makes you humble when you realize there are so many wonderful, loving people who really care out in our communities. Thank you and God bless each and every one of you for all your love, support and prayers you have given to me and my family as we travel this journey each day.
Psalm 116:1-2 I love the Lord for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me I will call on him as long as I live.
God gives his abundant peace to those who seek him. I hope that in times of trials you ask for His peace and love that he gives to freely.
1 comment:
HI Jill! Megan McFadden here. My mom sent me the link to your blog...I think it's great how open you are about your cancer. I am so sorry about the latest news you received regarding new tumors. However, your attitude is still so amazing =) Although my memories of you are from so long ago(!), your strong and energetic personality was always so apparent.
As I'm sure you know, I have watched someone very close to our family struggle with the same disease that ails you. Can't say I know what it's like, but I have all the empathy in the world, trust me. Which leads me to the real reason I decided to post a comment.
I hope you don't mind my meddling in your situation, but I couldn't help myself. MY uncle lost his battle to prostate cancer, and it was such an eye-opener for me. I understand you are gonig through chemo and radiation, along with other medications, and that's great you're still working full time! But I have to tell you...I fully believe that another great way to ebat this disease is to bring your body to optimal health. I mean everything and anything you put into your body. Food has such an impact on our bodies, which makes sense as natural food is God's creation and gift to us for the achieve the best health we can. There are so many super foods out there: acai berry from the amazing, the pit of an apricot, lycopene in vegetables that are red. (I'm sure your wonderful husband knows all about the vegies!) And then so many supplements too, of which their names I can never pronounce. Supplements to regulate your body into an optimal daily cycle.
My theory is this: atheletes are so incredibly concious about what they put into their bodies because they need to be at top performance come game day. Look at Lance Armstrong! Do you think he's eating apple pie the night before a race? No! The sugar, the fat, the flour, it all can have such detrimental effects on the body's performance levels. So if he is so aware to be in perfect health, why not patients with chronic diseases? After all, you are involved in a very serious battle.
I'm sorry if I seem too harsh, but I just have such a belief in this. OUr western doctors are lifesavers, absolutely. But sometimes I Feel like they forget where we came from. As humans, we came from the earth and originally we soley lived off of it. So why disregard that now? Why believe that only synthetic drugs will cure our illnesses when God gave us so much, so many hidden nutrients and medecines in our natural food?
There are plenty of books and websites that could guide you along this path should you chose to give it a try. We really are what we eat, so why not give your body absoultely everything you can to fight this off, once and for all? I just think it could really help you a lot. My uncle completely altered his diet and it kept him alive for almost 7 years after his prostate was removed. But unfortunately, upon the removal, a couple cells were somehow released into his body and lodged into his bones 6 years later. But that is a rare occurence.
I know I've kind of gone on for awhile here, and you might not read all of this, but I Can't tell you how much I truly believe in this. Truly, truly, truly. There's a documentary called "Crazy, Sexy, Cancer" filmed by a young girl named Kris Kar. She was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer and would not believe that it would get the best of her. She searched far and wide for answers, and I think you might find some encouragement in her story. She filmed it all herself, as well as her boyfriend (now husband).
Okay, I've said enough! But, and you know how much of a talker I am, I couldn't not say what was on my mind.
I still think about you and your fmaily a lot. Feel free to respond to anything I've said =) And I wish you the best of luck and blessings with your next treatments. Tell your family I say hello.
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