Happy season everyone! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and remembered to say "thanks"! I had a wonderful time with my kids and so many family and friends. I did lots of cooking and hanging with the kids. I even played football at our annual game. It was a blast and no one got hurt! Some of the "old"guys (and not so old guys) had to take Advil for a few days after! They take the game very seriously and play way too hard! But we all had a great time and had plenty of food to eat after. On Sunday, all the kids had gone back to school and Casey and I got the house back. It's always nice to have them around, but also nice when they leave and I can get the house back in shape. We do miss them though. Monday I was able to get the results of the last PET scan. I was told that there were no surprises and they would refer me to a liver/gut surgeon. On Tuesday I got a call from UCSF and they scheduled me to see Dr Warren on Wednesday at 9am. So Casey and I drove to SF this morning in very thick fog. It took almost 2 hours. This doctor told us that he wouldn't recommend any surgery on the liver or gut area at this time because the spots that are there are way too small to find. He had spent 45 minutes on the phone with the radiologist asking exactly what is showing. He said the radiologist was going to go over it again and circle the area. There was little uptake of the glucose dye so that indicates the tumors are not strong and active. When a tumor is strong and active it glows on the PET, and this didn't happen. Then he suggested I talk to the lung specialist because he wasn't at all sure what he was looking at in the lung. He suggested it looked more the shape of a lung cancer but said that would be very rare to get that disease while I'm fighting another disease. He thought maybe a biopsy since even that tiny spot (which is see able and reachable) had little uptake as well. So next Tuesday I have another apt in the city with the Thoracic surgeon. Then once that is done, all three doctors will review my file and determine the next step. He said it looks like I am responding very well to the treatment I'm and to stay with that for now. So today I had #13 chemo treatment of Folfiri without the Avastin. They don't want the Avastin in my system if I do go in for any surgery. I'm doing ok with this treatment. I managed to walk my 3.5 miles when I got home from treatment, but now I'm pretty tired. I continue to know and trust God in everything. I'm trying to follow His path no matter where it takes me and to keep trusting in Him. The doctors may be confused and not sure what they are seeing, but I know God is not confused and knows exactly the next step ahead. Thank you for all your continued prayers. I am so blessed by all of your blogger buddies. This verse struck me because you don't always see a clear path but He is always leading if you let him. Psalm77:19 "Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty water, though your footprints were not seen" . That is faith, to follow without seeing the footprints. God bless you all as you prepare for this holiday season.
1 comment:
Hi Jill, Pray for you each and every day. You are an inspiration to me.
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