Hi Everyone, I hope all the mothers out there had a wonderful day yesterday. I was in LA area for a wedding over the weekend so I spent the time with Casey's family. This was the first Mother's Day that I didn't see any of my own kids. So I got to see my nephews instead and that was good. One pic is what my kids gave to me yesterday. The numbers correspond with when they came into the family. The other pics are when I took Brigitte to Disneyland for her birthday in April with Bonnie and Ricky. I was very surprised to learn that over 600 people a day go to Disneyland for free on their B-day. It makes you realize you aren't as special as you thought knowing how many people share your day! I am doing really good these days. I have had two drips and two rounds of the Xeloda pills in the last month and no blisters so far! My feet have healed and they are very soft now with no callouses. They are also tender but I'm sure they will toughen up as time goes by. I've been having lots stiffness and pain in my shoulders though. I thought I was getting a tumor in my bones or soft tissue but the dr told me that this type of cancer doesn't travel there and it's arthritis that is causing the pain. I have since read up that many people do develop arthritis and joint issues after the treatment. I hope it goes away in time but who knows? Some days it's ok and other nights it keeps me awake. The dr gave me muscle relaxation drugs but that didn't help it much. I know there are other drugs out there that work better so I'll try those. Honestly though, I can't complain. Life has been good. Since I no longer work, my counts have been in the normal range. It's amazing to me that even though I loved my job, it was hard on my body. The extra rest I get now really helps. My next scan is June 22nd with lots of blood test. So please keep me in your prayers for a clear test. It'll be three years this August from when I was first diagnosed. There have been many ups and downs along the way, mostly ups thank God. However, there are times when I do feel sad, down or just discouraged, especially when I've had a bad day with joint, bowel or feet issues. Then almost immediately God brings someone into my life to show me how much worse it is for others and I realize how lucky I am. About the same time I'm feeling low, someone sends me a card or gift out of the blue, and once again I feel so blessed. I'm blessed just to be able to write in this blog! I don't know how people know just when I need encouraging words, creams for my feet or love for my soul, but they do. It's very obvious to me that God does his work through people many times even if they don't know it. It's reassuring to me knowing that I'm never alone in this battle. As for my father and his health issues. He is definitely not doing dialysis. He says when his time comes then that is fine. He has a peace about living and about dying. He loves living and is very aware of everything around him but he is also at peace with his decision about no dialysis. So at this point the drs try to monitor his kidneys with meds as best they can. We know that his time is limited, but then we all have a limited time here on earth. That is why God says to be ready at all times because you never know when Christ will come again to take us home.
Matthew 24:42 and 44 Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. This not only tells us to be ready for Him, but to also live life to the fullest each and every day because each day we have is a true blessing. Enjoy this month and all the weddings, graduations, births, celebrations or just life. God bless you all and thank you for your love.
1 comment:
Hey Jill,
You are my hero(ine). You have been through so much and still have a positive approach to life. I pray for you often and will continue to do so. I still miss all our 5:30 am runs throuh the Pleasanton hills or the 5:30 pm runs through the business park.
I mostly run alone (with my dogs). I never found another running partner but for Dennis and we are often on different schedules. However, running early in the morning along the beach is pretty cool.
Hope to see you soon. Miss you.
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