Hi Blogger Buddies. The pic is of Bonnie, my daughter, and her husband Ricky. They are moving back to Pleasanton next weekend. Ricky got a job with Cupertino Electric in San Jose and He's done with school on Friday! Yea! Many blessing have come our way. I hope everyone is having a good time getting ready for the Christmas season and not stressing too much. If you begin to feel overwhelmed by all the preparations that come with the season such as decorations, presents, cards, travel etc.. Stop! Take a deep breath and just remember that Christmas is about our Lord and celebrating His birth, about being together with friends and family and appreciating all the blessings we have been given. Another such blessing that happened this week for me is that Avastin was approved!!! As of my last blog, the insurance company kept dening it. Well, through tips from wonderful people, I put in an appeal through the Department of Managed Health Care. (http://www.hmohelp.ca.gov/) It's the state agency that monitors and regulates Blue Cross, my health insurance. I filed an expedited appeal so the state had 72 hours to review my records faxed from the insurance company. Well it took about one day and they went back to Blue Cross and over ruled them. Next thing I know is I got a call from my Onc office telling me it was approved! Yes, I was very shocked and happy. A state agency that worked and worked fast for the better of the people! Who would have guessed!!! I'm sure God had something to do with it as well for it to happen so fast. They were so helpful and nice so keep them in mind if anyone you know needs help in the insurance category. Tomorrow I will have the second round of Folfox with Avastin. Please pray that this treatment goes easier. I was pretty sick the first week. I would feel a little better early in the morning but then it would get worse and worse. The second week I had to take Advil or Tylenol to stop the stomach spasms. That was a first for me. So please keep me in your prayers that this next treatment is easier on me and that it puts me back into NED. If I don't get a chance to blog until after Christmas, Have a very Merry Christmas and God bless you all, each and every day. Thank you for your continued support, love and prayers. Without them I would not be writing this blog today. Oh, I posted my e-mail in the blog synopsis because people have been asking. Luke 1: 31-33 You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jocob forever, his kingdom will never end. This is why I have faith. Because his birth has given all who believe an eternial life with him that will never end. So I will celebrate his birthday this Christmas and continue to praise his name forever.
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