Hi Blogger world! It's a beautiful day in Pleasanton. The first pic is of Casey, Bonnie, Ricky and me getting ready to run/walk a 10K race in San Francisco this morning. It was warm and clear and perfect! Bonnie and I were the walkers of the 6.2 miles which took us up and across the Golden Gate Bridge and back again in just under an hour and a half. I felt so blessed to be able to do the walk without any issues or problems and in such great weather. The second pic is of my dad at his 90th party with his grandsons. He was so happy and has been doing really well ever since. My dad loves parties!!!
As for my health, I'm doing good. I have my 8th drip tomorrow so I'm preparing by drinking lots of fluid today. My last blood count showed every part of my counts were in the normal range. That includes the platelets, red and white cells and all the other parts of the CBC (complete blood count). I also had my cholesterol checked and it went up to 190 from about 160. I asked my homeopathic dr I saw last week and she said there have been studies the show when your body is fighting a disease, then your cholesterol will rise like mine has and it was a good sign. I was surprised that she said it was good. Who would have thought having your cholesterol go up was good!!! She also agreed with me going gluten free. She has been gluten free herself for over 12 years. She said the constant chemo does a number on the system and the gluten puts more stress on the intestines so I'd be better off without gluten, so now I am learning a new way of eating and cooking. I have also been busy becoming a "buddy" for the Colon Cancer Alliance, and have been asked to speak on two different occasions. What a blessing!!! I am also doing the Relay for Life and have a team again. I will keep fighting for a cure in every way I can because way too many people are DX each day. Cancer seems to touch us all in some way whether self, family member or friend. If you can help in anyway by donating, coming out to walk or joining my team, that would be great. My relay page is
Please keep me in your prayer for an easy drip tomorrow without nausea and problems. I've been doing really well since January and I want it to continue. Thank you all for your continued love and support as I walk this journey. Even thought life takes turns when and where we least expect it, we can always find something good along the path by trusting in God and letting Him lead the way. In Philippians 4:10-14 Paul writes that he knew how to be content whether he had plenty or whether he was in need. The secret was drawing on Christ's power for strength. God is truly my strength that I rely on and we are all blessed that He is there for us always. God bless you all and enjoy the sunshine!
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