Hello Blogger Buddies, the pics are from our annual family reunion. This time it was in Santa Cruz over looking the water. Beautiful spot where were watched the seals, dolphins and other sea life daily. The weather wasn't the best but the company was. We also got to go visit Kyle at his latest work site. He's working at a lagoon clearing off the tool leaves and dredging. He's even using the excavator and having fun with it. He'll be there for another 4 weeks working on the project. I had a good time but unfortunately I got pretty sick there. My belly ballooned out and I had a harder and harder time breathing so on Friday we went straight from the reunion to the dr where they promptly checked me into the hospital. Turns out I was drowning. My lungs were in cased in fluid more that half way up my back. They drained my stomach of 2 liters and both my lung cavities of 1 liter each. Not a fun procedure but I at least I can breathe again. Now I have to get back on treatment right away because the fluid will continue to build up again. So tomorrow I go in for treatment. I am nervous about it because I don't' feel good now and I'll get hit hard tomorrow. I haven't even been able to hold down water so far so I'm not sure how I'll handle treatment. Please keep me in your prayers that my body responds to the treatment and that I start to be able to hold down fluid of any kind. Through this time I have continued to feel blessed by so many friends and family that have called, texted, emailed and prayed for me. This is not a fun time for me or my family but together we will get through knowing that I continue to be in God's plan and His graces.
Psalm 34:1-4 I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
A young and yet very wise priest, Dave Gruever, told us this story one day on November 1 (All Saints Day) many years ago.
First of all, keep in mind that the date that is celebrated for a saint is the day they left earth and were born into heaven, not the day they were born on earth. What we are talking about is their SECOND birth day.
Imagine fraternal twins in the mother's womb, boy and girl. They have known each other pretty much their entire lives up to the moment. They are very intimately in contact with each other, can hear each other's heartbeat, and their mother's. They can also hear muffled voices, and can detect whether those voices are conveying sadness, joy, anger, and other emotions.
They are warm, well fed, life is good.
Eventually, one of them has to be born first. Let's say this time its the girl. Both of them feel a growing pressure, and some pain as the birth process begins. It intensifies, and eventually the girl passes through the birth canal.
On the other side, a gentle, skillful, doctor is waiting. He catches her, dries her off and checks a few things, wraps her in a blanket, and puts her on her mom's chest. Think about what is going through that little girl's mind.
But pretty soon, she hears that familiar heartbeat of her mom, but a bit muffled now. And she can recognize those voices, very clearly now, and everyone is very happy and excited. So she settles down, thinking "Wow, this is really wierd, but pretty nice, too. I guess I can live with this."
Now go back to the boy still in the womb. He's thinking "Whew, what was that all about? And where is my sister? That was not good. But I now have a lot more room to move. I guess that's a little nice. I wonder where she went." And sooner or later he also will go through that birth process.
Our Mom, Yetty, went through that second birth process 10 years ago, and Dad is feeling that pressure now, also.
Just remember, as we are born into heaven, who is the doctor? It's Jesus, or course. He's been watching, and making minor adjustments as needed, throughout our lives on earth. When we are born the second time, He will check us out to be sure everything is fine, then He will turn us "newborns" over to our very excited family that have preceded us and prepared a wonderful birthday party for us. Its a day of celebration.
A young and yet very wise priest, Dave Gruever, told us this story one day on November 1 (All Saints Day) many years ago.
First of all, keep in mind that the date that is celebrated for a saint is the day they left earth and were born into heaven, not the day they were born on earth. What we are talking about is their SECOND birth day.
Imagine fraternal twins in the mother's womb, boy and girl. They have known each other pretty much their entire lives up to the moment. They are very intimately in contact with each other, can hear each other's heartbeat, and their mother's. They can also hear muffled voices, and can detect whether those voices are conveying sadness, joy, anger, and other emotions.
They are warm, well fed, life is good.
Eventually, one of them has to be born first. Let's say this time its the girl. Both of them feel a growing pressure, and some pain as the birth process begins. It intensifies, and eventually the girl passes through the birth canal.
On the other side, a gentle, skillful, doctor is waiting. He catches her, dries her off and checks a few things, wraps her in a blanket, and puts her on her mom's chest. Think about what is going through that little girl's mind.
But pretty soon, she hears that familiar heartbeat of her mom, but a bit muffled now. And she can recognize those voices, very clearly now, and everyone is very happy and excited. So she settles down, thinking "Wow, this is really wierd, but pretty nice, too. I guess I can live with this."
Now go back to the boy still in the womb. He's thinking "Whew, what was that all about? And where is my sister? That was not good. But I now have a lot more room to move. I guess that's a little nice. I wonder where she went." And sooner or later he also will go through that birth process.
Our Mom, Yetty, went through that second birth process 10 years ago, and Dad is feeling that pressure now, also.
Just remember, as we are born into heaven, who is the doctor? It's Jesus, or course. He's been watching, and making minor adjustments as needed, throughout our lives on earth. When we are born the second time, He will check us out to be sure everything is fine, then He will turn us "newborns" over to our very excited family that have preceded us and prepared a wonderful birthday party for us. Its a day of celebration.
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