Dear Brierley Blogger Buddies,
I know from your comments and emails, so many are watching this page. Jill is improving each day a little. Today she ate a popsicle, took a very nice walk; she was able to sit up for a very long period with the Gtube off, and enjoy family time last evening. I was with her in the morning, but she was sleeping most of that time. In the evening when I was back, I walked in to her room, and this is what I saw -- Jill sitting happily with her family all watching a movie together. The family is treasuring this time with her. Thank you for your continued prayers of support and love. We are trying to keep up with all your messages. In His Love, Lorette Harnsberger
So sweet!! Such a loving and supportive family! Yes, we are keeping up with you on here Jill, I check in on you each morning during my quiet time, and continue to pray. You are an inspiration!
We will be leaving Sunday to welcome a new grandchild into our family up in Oregon, and I hope to visit you again when I return around the 21st. Keep on as you are, depending on our great Savior to bring you peace and joy!
Diane Shore
Love the Brierley Family. Love seeing Jill in that chair and smiling...
Brings a smile to my face.
Love you guys....Robin
I like how Brig and Bonnie get the best seat! What a family - as always thanks for the update. Can we bring a dinner/lunch/whatever to the hospital and let the family have a picnic outside or something? Let me know your thoughts.
Dear Jill and Family,
You and your beautiful family are such an inspiration! Hugs and prayers are being sent your way.. You are very blessed, and also a huge blessing to all who know you.
Scot and Maria Satterlund
Jill, It is wonderful to see you up, surrounded by your awesome family and simply enjoying one another. How precious is that! I check several times a day to see how you are. And, I am so thankful for Lorette and others who are keeping your fans posted. Praying always and looking forward to the time we can visit. Praising God for his goodness! Love. Lynn
Our love and prayers and positive thoughts are with you, Jill, and your precious family. Many thanks to your sister for her posts that keep us all in the loop! We love you and are with you, surrounded by His love.
Margie McLaughlin
Jill, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Ive recently seen a good friend participate in some triathlons, the first Ive ever witnessed. The images come to mind now as I think of the race you are running - and the example you set for how we all should run. - To keep the finish line hidden somewhere in the future, and focus only on the stride before us, the breath we're blessed to take, the beauty that surrounds us, and the cherished souls running to our right and left.-
Thank you for your faith lived out, and the impact it still has on my life. Just last week, I reflected on this in an email. Your name came up as I remembered a time when I was not myself (8th grade -ha ha!). I don't remember the words of a conversation we had, but I remember the smile in your eyes that said "I still believe in you." You saw past the temporary struggle to the person I was inside, and the person I could be on the outside, and that opened my eyes to that person too. That, and many other moments, will stick with me forever. Thank you so much!
Keep on running! His banner over you is LOVE; He will be your strength- and besides, He designed the course! ;) Love you Jill! God bless you and your family.
I never miss a chance to read your blog Jill. Thank you to everyone who is keeping us all updated daily. I think more people are checking on you than you even know.
Keep up the good work. You look wonderful.
Love, Denise Young
Oh Jill, look at that beautiful family. They are blessed to have you and you to have them. I love you all.
You are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. There are no words to express how amazed I am by your strength.
Sending hugs from Oklahoma,
My name is Jeanne Angalet, and I know Jill through CCA, and we had just become 'buddies' when I ended up in the hospital, and now she is. Please give her my best. My thoughts and prayers are with your family as you struggle through this together.
All my best,
Thank you Jill for your continued inspiration. You are absolutely amazing. I LOVE the pictures of you with your family. Yes, it's a testimony of the love that all of you share. Prayers and loving thoughts are continuing your way...
Annette Maduell
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