Dear Brierley Blogger Buddies,
Thank you for your continued prayers and love that you have sent. The family was gathered together again today with Jill. Here she is up to take a walk. She did two rounds today, two times. Amazing -- what a miracle that she is still with us. In this picture she is dressed in her Louis Vutton designer hospital gown, and walking with her entourage. We are running this race together every step of the way.
She sends everyone her love and like the apostle Paul, she sent out a little message.
Phil. 1;3 " I thank my God upon every remembrance of You".
So also Jill treasures all her special friends who have followed her through this journey of cancer. We have a video of this time today, that we will post later, along with Jill's message to everyone. If you post any comments below, Casey or one of the kids will be able to read them to her.
Posted by Lorette
What an absolutely beautiful family..a real blessing from God. Erik & I are praying for continued smiles (like those in this picture).
Your faithful fight is such a testimony to others. You are such a blessing to so many! I am praying for you and your family.
Big hugs!
Tami Raaker
Hi Jill,
Sorry to hear you are back in the fight. I missed not joining your relay team this summer. You have such a strong loving family to help you. Steve and I send you our prayers. Much love.. Miss you. Tina
Hey Jill,
I just love this picture! It totally captures your sunny personality and energy! Your strength is incredible and inspiring. Hoping to see you home from the hospital soon in time for bunco!
Suze Burger
I am praying for God's strength, encouragement, comfort, peace and His grace for you and your family.
I love you!
Saying our prayers with love for you and your beautiful family.
Thank you for your continued inspiration. I will be at Amador County's Campout for Cancer all weekend and my one hour lap will be dedicated to you and your family.
Love you guys~ Robin
Jill--I am thinking of you and praying for you ALL the time, every day. We all love you and can't wait for you to get strong again and come home! I have faith that you will. God is with us on this journey!
Dear Jill,
What a beauiful picture of hope and strength. With God all things are possible. God bless you Jill for you tremendous faith and trust. God is using you to build hope and faith in others. I can testify to that because your faith has lifted mine. With love to you and your family, Lynn
Our God is amazing, and this picture of you and your family is amazing too!!! WOW! What a beautiful picture of faith to wake up to this morning!! My prayers continue for you and your family day and night! Seeing the joy on all your faces is a slice of Heaven on Earth!!!
Diane Shore
What a great start to my day to see you and your family smiling.
Thanks for sharing with us.
We are praying for you and your family every day. Love the picture of you and your very supportive team!
The Piermarini Family
Jill, Casey and your wonderful family - You know how much we love you all. You are an incredible person who brittens the lives of all those around you. Hope to see you home soon.
Jill and Casey,
Our prayers are with you and your family, you are always in our hearts. Thanks Lorette for posting to the blog, you are a treasure too.
Jill, who says that miracles don't happen? God is definitely listening to everyone prayers.
You and your family are always in my thoughts.
Love and kisses,
You have such an amazing family. The hospital staff must be so entertained by you and your family. You are an amazing person. You are a very loved person in this world! You touch everyone that you come into contact with.
Love, Karen Riach
Dearest Jill,
Owen and I are with you in our thoughts and prayers. You are such an amazing lady.
Lots of huggles, Cindy Jackson
Dearest Jill,
Owen and I have you in our thoughts and prayers. You are such a strong and amazing lady, an inspiration to all.
Lots of huggles! Cindy Jackson
Dear Jill,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the part you have played in my life. Because of your presence in Amy's life she became a joy to our family and has given us three wonderful grandchildren.It then continued on to Stephen marrying Cindy and two more precious grandchildren. This all happened because you are the blessed person that you are. Again thank you and God bless you and your family.
Love Eunice
Jill - You are truely amazing! So glad that you are up and around and on the mend. The picture is great. All those smiling faces! You and your family are such an inspiration! I will continue to keep the prayers coming your way!
Hugs! - Debi
Jill, I ditto what everyone else has already said. It is so good to see you up and walking. Soon you will be doing it in the fresh air with Kiwi. Mom, MJ, Elaine and all of us are keeping you and your family in our prayers. Thank you so much Lorrette for the updates. Michelle
My hero!
You are such a fighter, Jill! I am in awe of you and your strength. Not just physically but emotionallĂ˝ and spiritually. Doin' north muirwood proud, Jill! We love you and are always thinking of you.
Hugs and kisses,
Erica and Betsy
This is from Papa Bear, I am praying every day and every night for my youngest daughter Jill. I am so glad you are doing so well. And I am glad you are part of this wonderful family. Papa Bear salutes you!
Papa Bear.
Hi Jill,
What a beautiful picture! And it so perfectly captures the spirit and enthusiasm your family has. Rest and heal and know that you have been such a positive force in our lives and the many, many people who have been blessed to be your friends. We are rooting for you and hoping you can come home soon. Love & prayers Jim & Elaine Williams
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