It's a beautiful day today with the white puffy clouds and the fresh air from a day of rain. I just got back from my walk and decided to blog about the family trip I took to Santa Barbara this past weekend, the blessings God has given me, and my last treatment. One picture is of my sisters and brother, my dad and his brother in Santa Barbara, and the other is of me on the beach with the birds and the beautiful weather. The Schirm family had a mini reunion with my cousins to go through many old pics dating back to the late 1800's. The trip was hard on my dad had another scare with his health, so he's been in the hospital since we got back. However, once again, he seems to be bouncing back. He said he's waiting for his 90th birthday party we are having for him at the end of March in Napa. His will to live is incredible! As for me, I had treatment two weeks ago and it was the best treatment I have had. Since I have added the homeopathic discipline as well as the "healing hands", I have done much better. This treatment I didn't need the huge amount of anti nausea drugs because of the other stuff I'm taking, and the healing hands has helped me to clear my mind and body so much that I haven't had any nausea what so ever the past few times I'm been in to the onc office. The miracle this past treatment is my white cell count has gone into the 6 digits. I haven't had it in the 6's and above since before I was ever diagnosed back in 2006. The radiation damages the bone marrow where the cells are produced so the best I've ever been, and this is when I was without any treatment for 2.5 months, was 4.2. No explanation for the rise, just God helping me out once again. He does hear those prayers! At first I tried to consider that it was the homeopathic or healing hands, but then I realized it's easier to try to theorize the unknown then to accept a miracle. Well, after about a day, I just accepted the blessing from God. He has his hands on me and is in control of my life even down to my white cells. How blessed am I! So I have my next treatment on Monday and with all the prayers, support and extra meds, I'll do fine. I was reminded of the prayer today at my bible study and though it was well worth repeating.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living ONE DAY AT A TIME; enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Reinhold Neibuhr-1926. As Mary said in Luke 1:46 My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
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