Good morning bloggers. Today is a busy day for me. I have a CT at 11:40 this morning at UCSF, then off to see King Tut and then back to Walnut Creek where I am a guest speaker for a program offered to the public on survivor-ship for colorectal cancer. It's colorectal cancer awareness month and the push is on to get the word out about the importance of screening and early detection. So if you are 40 plus (insurance says 50 but I believe otherwise) and have any symptoms please get scoped. If you are 50 then just go get scoped with or without symptoms. Early detection will save your life. This link will tell you the symptoms to look for. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/colon-cancer/DS00035/DSECTION=symptoms
So today I am asking for prayers for a clear report from the CT. As I lay on the table I truly can feel Gods presence and your prayers so keep them coming. I have the follow up appointment on the 16th so I won't know until then. On a sad note, my very oldest and dear friend Mary passed this past Friday. We started our lives together back in Burbank as babies and went to first grade together. We ended up graduating from high school together in Torrance and were in each others weddings. We stayed in contact through raising our kids and ironically we both ended up with ports in our chest for our 50th. We traveled through our illness together for the past years and laughed and cried many times via phone, visits, email and text. She got a cold last week and it took her life away. I miss her terribly but know that she is with God, free of disease. The pic is from the early 60's in Burbank. My sister and I have gloves on and Mary is next to Nicky in the back row. This verse is for my dear friend Mary.
John 14:1-4 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; Trust also in me. In my father's house are many rooms; if it were not so I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you with me that you also may be where I am. You know the place where I am going."
I thank Jesus everyday for preparing a place for me too. God bless you all and go out and enjoy each day to the fullest. AND GET SCOPED!
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