"Celebration of Life"
Jill Brierley
Saturday September 25
11:00 am
Crosswinds Church
6444 Sierra Court
Dublin, Ca. 94568
Dear Family & Friends of Jill Brierley,
Thank you so much for your outpouring of love and support for the Brierley family. Casey and their children have been truly blessed through these last 2 weeks especially.
We are inviting you to celebrate Jill's life with us on this special day. When Jill asked for a celebration of life, she also requested that people wear "Color". JUST LIKE JILL to ask us to do this.
Linda Allen will be coordinating food for this event:. You can email her at Sprtfmly@aol.com if you can bring something to share.
Also if anyone has a favorite picture of Jill they want to share as a memory they can email it to Bonnie for a slide show. Her email is isbonnie@comcast.net
In leu of flowers, donations can be made to two following causes dear to jill's heart.
The link to donate to the Relay for Life, 2011 Pleasanton "Hope West Coast" (Jills team) can not be set up online yet,
so the following address and contact info.
The Non Profit Tax ID # for ACS Pleasanton Relay for Life-Team Hope West Coast is 94-1170350
Checks MUST specify "Jills Team-Hope West Coast, Pleasanton 2011"
Donations can go by mail to:
Diana Nation, Coordinator, 2011 Pleasanton Relay for Life
American Cancer Society
7000 Village Parkway, Suite E
Dublin, CA 94568
Donations to the Foothill High School Technology Dept, for purchase of computer and equipment upgrades for use by students
can go by mail to the following address, but make sure to put on the check its for Jill's technology fund!:
PUSD FHS Tech Maintenance Tax ID # 94-3062524
Jan Bing
Foothill High School
4375 Foothill Road
Pleasanton Ca 94588
Dear Casey,
I have thought about you and your family so much as this day approached, and during the time of Jill's Celebration of Life. My heart goes out to all of you in your missing of Jill. Transition is so hard... I realized after time had passed that my life would never be normal again and I must begin a new normal life. It comes in time...as evidenced by today.
I had really planned on being there today but an opportunity came up to spend the day with my children/grandchildren, and I was torn...what should I do? I prayed, and also thought about what would Jill have wanted, and I think she would have said, "Diane, go and be with your family." I know that Jill loved you all sooo much.
So, I spent the day with my family in honor of Jill.
I will always remember the last time I saw her and when I said, "I hope I see you again," and she very confidently answered, "You will." And....I know I will.
May God's peace cover your days as you grieve, being filled with the Hope Jesus left us with of seeing Jill again!
Much love,
Diane Shore
Dear Casey and family,
Sadly I am away and was not able to make Jill's service. You were all in my prayers throughout the day and also in the days ahead.
Jill was a very special and dear friend to me. We really got to know one another as we served the youth at CrossWinds Epic Houseboats trip about 7 years ago. I was privileged to partner with Jill for several years. She was amazing with the kids. I just marveled a her special way of interaction.She was loved deeply by all of them.
No matter what Jill was going through anytime we were together she made sure to know about how I was and my family. I loved her caring spirit and her postive focus. She always knew whose hands she was in. Her friendship was a very wonderful gift. I will miss her more than I can say.
I will be praying for you all and may God provide all you need in your time of grief and I will look forward to the glorious day when Jill and I meet again.
With love,
Lynn Tredway
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