Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had as nice of a Thanksgiving as our family had this year. Our Thanksgiving started with a big, family and friends, football game in Livermore. Then we had dinner with our very special friends the Allens, who hosted my family of 18. With her family and friends for a total of about 26 for a great sit-down dinner. Then on Friday, we headed up to Napa to have Thanksgiving with more of our family, including my father who came out of the hospital for the occasion. We had about 30 for another great feast. We each had an opportunity to tell my father how thankful we are to him for all he has done for us. A true thanksgiving and a great memory for us all. We have so much to be thankful for each and everyday, it's a shame we can't celebrate thanksgiving every week! Of course we would all have to diet during the week to survive those big feast! After 2 full days, I am taking it easy watching TV, reading, and doing e-mail. It's been two weeks since my last treatment and I am doing better each day. I'm taking lots of vitamins and other supplements so I will be ready for surgery on the 27th of December. I am very thankful to everyone for your continual love, support, and prayers. I am doing better each day because of you. Thank you
Colossians 2:6-7
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus a Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Life has been pretty quite lately. Back when I was working and extremely busy with life, sometimes, I would think about how nice it would be to be stuck in bed for what ever reason. To have the time to read, nap, or just listen to music. Well, now I find myself in that exact position and I don't like it. It didn't occur to me how sick or sore one must to be, to be stuck in bed or in a house day after day. I am ready to get on with life, but my intestines are not. And since they are the rulers of my body at this time, I must listen to them and stay put. I was told it takes about 2 weeks before my bowels start to heal after treatment, but I only have one week to give, because next week is Thanksgiving and my family will be up to celebrate. We are planning on a two day Thanksgiving celebration. Thursday with our dear friends the Allen's, and Friday in Napa with my sisters. Any weight I have lost by now I'm sure to gain back by the end of next week! December starts the prep for surgery. I will have the endorectal ultrasound December 7th to see how much the radiation/chemo treatments killed the tumor. December 27th is my surgery to remove all remaining tumor. I should be in the hospital about 4-5 days. This is a good week for my family because it's Casey's slow time at work, Bonnie will be up for the holiday and the kids are all out of school; so they'll be able to come visit me! I will start the new year a tumor free woman! To all my friends and family, have a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving and remember to thank God for all of His love and blessings.
Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and stength. A very present help in trouble.
And I can say He has been with me each and everyday and through all my treatments. He never leaves me. Thank you for your continued prayers. God bless.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I'm a free woman!!! Yesterday was my last treatment with radiation and I gave back my bed buddy as well. I got to take a nice long shower without wrapping up in Saran wrap! Some of the simple things in life are so nice, and yet we forget how much they mean to us....Until you go 6 weeks without. Then it's a whole new world again! I had a great day yesterday. My friends were over to visit and I was feeling great. Now that I am done with treatment, I will be getting a call as to when the surgery is scheduled. I'm still looking at the last week in December or first week in January, but it will depend on the outcome of the endorectal ultrasound that I will have in about 4 weeks. The doctors feel I went through treatment really well, and I attribute it to all the love and support I am getting from everyone. My family has been great! They make me feel like "we" are going through treatment, not just me. I am so blessed! I've asked my kids how they are feeling and they tell me they feel fine, and positive. I know they are feeling all the love and prayers as well so again, thank you so much for keeping my family and I lifted up all these weeks.
Psalms 16:11 Thou wilt make known to me the path of life; In Thy presence is fullness of joy; In Thy right hand there are pleasures forever.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

This past weekend was a quiet weekend. Casey and I celebrated our 28th anniversary hanging out together. We are planning on going to Greece for out 30th so it was ok to have a nice quiet evening. I'm just about done with week 5 and am doing ok. My skin is still holding up and I'm not too tired very often. Some days I don't feel so good so I just hang around at home reading and doing computer stuff. Other days, when I'm feeling good, I go out after treatment for a little while. I just got back from the book store. I found I am reading lots of books, so if you know of a good one, please pass it on. I just read the Lance Armstrong book, "It's Not About the Bike". Very good bood. Plus I am also reading books on cancer, being a smart patient, and of course my bible. That's the best of all. Tomorrow the radiation field will be smaller and more intense as they say. This will be for the last 6 treatment to target just the leftover tumor, to help get a good and complete kill. My blood counts and blisters are all fine so the doctor gave me the ok to start walking again. I am looking forward to next Friday when I can give back my bed buddy and not have to drive everyday to Concord. I am finding out that treatment takes patience. Thank you again for your continual prayers. There is so much power in prayers and love.
1 John 5:14
And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.