Dearest Friends,
My dear sister Jill has passed on from this earthly home, to her new home in paradise at 7:45 this evening. I am sure she is greeting many friends at the gates of heaven. Yesterday I learned she last spoke to someone around 1:00. After that she went into a deep sleep. Her family kept an all night vigil at her bed side. Today also has been the same. A pastor came to pray and share with them. Her breathing was labored but her heart just went on. At her home tonight many friends and neighbors had planned to gather at 7:45 for a candlelight vigil, not knowing of course ahead of time, that it would be her time to enter heaven.
Casey says that the service he planned with Jill will be September 25th most likely. . Watch for updates. We hope to see and greet all of her friends. Thank you for your love and prayers for our Jill.
It's hard to believe that we won't see your beautiful smile again. Your enthusiam for life was infectious and your courage simply inspiring. I will miss you Jill. Hugs! Debi
Goodbye Jill I will always remember your kind heartiness you gave to everyone that passed by in your life.
Jill's life and passing has touched us all so deeply. She has made a profound impact on so many people- her legacy and example will reverberate positive energy, faith and inspiration forever. I am selfishly saddened by the loss of such a selfless person, so I will try, inadequately, to emulate the impeccable example she has set for us all and strive to make her proud as she looks down and watches over all of us from heaven
Jill was a very precious friend. I will miss her deeply. Her faith has strengthen mine and I will forever be grateful. My prayers go out to her family. May God comfort your hearts and provide all that you need today and in the days ahead. God bless you all. Love, Lynn
I am so sorry to hear about Jill, knowing that she will be greatly missed by so many, and especially her family....
One of the last things Jill said to me was that when she met Jesus face to face, she would give our son Phil a hug for me. It was so sweet of her to think about him...he has been in Heaven 9 years this November.
Thank You Jesus for giving us all the hope of wonderful reunions when our time on earth is finished.
You don't have to imagine any longer, our imaginations are your reality now Jill.
When I left you at the end of our visit, I said, "I hope I see you again." You looked me right in the eye and said, "You will." We both understood the faithfulness of our God in that statement!
So...until we meet again,
Diane Shore
Casey and Family:
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. Jill was a wonderful person and though she will not be with us physically she will live on through each one of you everyday. It is nice to know Jill is now in peace and comfort.
Alisa and Greg Fernald
I had the blessing of meeting Jill through her fundraising efforts at American Cancer Society. Through our journey together, Jill became my role model as I tried to emulate her strength and faith as I fought my own battle against cancer. This world just became a little less brighter without Jill, however those who had the blessing of knowing and loving her shall carry on her love and memories within them. Tonight, I feel that I have lost my mentor, but gained a guardian angel.
Jill was a beautiful ,caring,loving person. Her spirit will live on through all she touched! You all are in our prayers...
What a beautiful tribute the luminaries are to Jill. Thanks to all the friends that put them all around her house tonight. I'm sure she saw them on her way to her next life. We will always miss Jill and the joy she brought to those around her. Our deep condolences to Casey and the family.It's hard to find the words to express our sadness at Jill's passing. Jim and Elaine
Casey and family,
God was merciful in that fact you were all given the extra time to say your goodbyes. My heart goes out to all of you as the next weeks and months will be difficult and lonely at times. Just the memory of Jills face and smile brings happiness. I pray those special memories and our Heavenly Father may bring you comfort. Love, Michelle and Garret
Dear Casey and family,
You all have my deepest sympathy and love. How fortunate for the world that Jill was here. She is a true hero and I hope many will draw inspiration from her grace and courage.
Love and blessings,
Patty Klauer
Our deep condolences to Casey and family. May God Bless You All at this time of sorrow. Cherishing the memories of your dear Jill in your hearts.
Catalina Garcia
We wanted to send our deepest condolences to Casey and the entire family. We are so happy that we had the honor of meeting such a wonderful, beautiful woman. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Sue Ann and Jeoff Dunster
Dear Casey and Family,
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Tony and Desiree Stilwell
I still can't believe I won't see you everytime I am at my parent's house! It just doesn't seem real. I will miss all of our talks! I truly feel like you were an angel sent down from above to make an impact on everyones lives your touched. You will be missed everyday.
What a gift Jill Brierley was to the world. Truly, a sad and painful loss for all of us still here. What an amazing gift, to those of us here that we can be certain she knew (and now KNOWS) Christ, personally and intimately. Truthfully, in times like these without having that assurance...I don't know how you get through losses like this one. I'm filled with joy to know Jill had this hope and is now experiencing it in reality.
Brierley's: You guys are an amazing family, you always have been. As I told Brigitte in a message...Jill's legacy of hope and life lives on through all of you, big shoes to fill...I know! Anyways, I'm praying for all of you as you grieve and begin to process this loss. I was so sad to hear the news today. Wish I could give you all a big hug!
May you know the comfort of a God who sees your sadness and holds you through it, but, who also gives us life that's everlasting. May you rest in the knowledge that with Christ, even in death, WE WIN! Jill won last night at 7:45pm!!
Celebrating her win & grieving with you in your/our loss.
Love To You All,
Brian & Promise Wurzell
Casey amd family
my thoughts are with all of you at this time of sorrow. She rest with God now. God bless you and your
Cheryl Macdonald
Dear Casey and family
Your friends from SPECKOZ and PROKOZ are by you side as you say good bye to your beautiful Jill. Our prayers are with you and your beautiful family
Mohamed Rachadi
Dear Brierley Family,
Jill will forever be in our hearts. Her never ending entusiasim and love of life. She cared for our small boys as her own for years. She never missed a day of running past our home on her runs. Her smile is as limitless as His Love. Jill is God's Love.
Sincerely, The Eddy Family
My deepest heartfelt condolences go out to you all. take comfort in knowing she is now at peace & will forever live on in the hearts of those that had the pleasure of knowing her.
Julie Miller
Casey and Family,
My deepest sympathy to all of you. I hope you find comfort in the many thoughts and prayers you have received.
Casey and Family,
So terribly sorry the loss of your beautiful wife, mother and sister. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Suzanne Martin
Dear Brierley's,
I can't tell you how deeply sad I am over the loss of Jill. I have had many conversations, shared stories, vacationed, laughed, cried, danced, drank and yes even prayed with Jill. I have to admit that I am not the most religious person but I do feel the man upstairs has taken her for a reason. And... she has accepted....And she is not suffering anymore! You know I met Jill through Linda and has always considered her a wonderful friend. She has always been a great wife and a mother. She has given you all soooo much including, the strong family bond that is very much to be admired. She will always be in my heart and I'm going to miss her! And my family is going to miss her! We will always love Jill Brierley! Love you guys,........Doreen
Jill was beautiful inside and out right up to her passing. Her family has a sad but wonderful legacy. We will all miss her
Our heartfelt love and sympathy to Casey and family. Jill's strength and courage will live on. She was an amazing inspiration to everyone. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
To Casey and Famiy, I am so sorry for your loss. I am crushed by the loss of Jill but I know she is now in a better place and is listening and reading this, so for her, I must tell her....Hi Jill, I know you are now in the hands of our lord. God bless you. If ever there was anyone that would be in his presence and grace it would be you. God can be selfish sometimes, bringing home his finest work often sooner than we think is fair, but in your case, he has brought home his crown jewel. I have never met anyone that was more interested in everything other than themselves than you. Your inquisitiveness was inspiring and sometimes irritating! You always had a question and more often than not good advise to follow. Your unselfishness and willingness to help was unmatched. You could take a joke and also dish it out! Our times together at the lake and will always be in my heart. May the grace of God be always with you, love always, Bob Pinelli
Dear Family and Friends of Jill,
I am so lucky to have known Jill for the short amount of time that I did. I am deeply sorry for such a huge loss. I am keeping all of you in my prayers. I just know she is smiling down on us all.
Love always,
Richard Whelan
I still can't believe she is gone. She always looked so good! I stare at her photos here in this blog and feel like someone is going to say they have been playing a terrible practical joke on us and she's fine. As awful as a joke that would be I would be happy to know she was still here.
Jill, you will be greatly missed as you are greatly loved.
I wish I could invite all my non-Christian friends to her service because I know it will glorify God, just as Jill did in life! Even in dying, Jill had so much life to give.
Our prayers are with your entire family! May God carry you when you can walk no more. May His loving strength be your guide.
"Even in dying, Jill had so much life to give". How powerful of sentence that Emily wrote and how absolutely correct. I'm glad she is in God's hands but, selfishly it doesn't take away the personal pain of knowing her friendly smile and warm hugs are no longer available...
Good bye for now my friend!I am still talking to you every morning,can you hear me? I love and miss you.
Good bye for now my friend!I am still talking to you every morning,can you hear me? I love and miss you.
As I journey this weekend for our dear friend Mary Jo....I know a little smiling ANGEL named Jill will be on my shoulder and in the waves and through the breeze....and I will look up and say thanks Jill...we will take of Linda for you...and Jill will smile and say..."it's what we do."!!
Gob Bless you all from the very bottom of my heart!!
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