Dear Brierley Blogger Buddies,
My sister Jill today was sharing things she would like on her blogger for all her friends. Since she began this journey of walking with cancer 4 years ago, she has always chosen to be open about what is happening with her body. She has continually wanted to educate others to what happens, because she knows there are other's out there who are facing or will be facing similar decisions. So I am sharing today from our conversation this morning.
Ever the educator, one of her requests is for people to know what is happening with her. For example, she has a "Peak" right now. Its actually a NG tube, a gastrointestinal tube that sucks the bile out of her stomach. At first last week, when she first had it, she wasn't sure she liked it. Later she realized it was a life saver for her and her friend. It has helped her to stop throwing up. With the blockage in her small intestines, nothing went down and all came up. She was wasting away for two weeks, and though we had an idea it was the cancer, but there were a lot of unanswered questions. Once she had the operation on Monday, they realized her small intestines are filled with cancer, causing the blockage. This is one of the results of ascitis. This cancer fluid builds up in the body cavity. It was drained from her lungs 2 times now. Also from her gut area. She has had every test, poke and prod the last few weeks it seems. But being Jill, she didn't want to stop trying to find out WHY this is happening. With the surgery, Jill took a big chance. There was only a 20 % chance as we understand, that she would make it through surgery. I remember saying goodbye to her last weekend on the phone. I really sincerely thought I would never see her again. And then, the amazing story of what God continues to do through Jill, and in His grace, she made it through and is slowly recovering. Yet, she also knows she is full of cancer in the small intestine area. Chemo is not an option now that she has had the operation and needs to recuperate. The doctor did a bypass over much of her small intestines. This special doctor let Jill and Casey know the risks and gave Jill choices. Jill, always willing to take a chance went for it. Now she is slowly recovering and making some progress every day. Today she has less tubes, and she is eating a popsicle again. Yeah!
Besides her G tube, Jill does have a feeding tube also called a TPN ( I think that is what it is). Jill has not had food by mouth since about August 18th or around there. TPN gives her the nutrients she needs, and the trace minerals all of us need to sustain life. This is helping in her recovery right now. How long this will be is one of the questions and decisions she will have to decide with her family in the coming weeks. Most importantly for her family is that she is out of pain and not throwing up. She had another double Popsicle today after her walk on the floor. When she would be able to have more food will be for the doctors to decide.
Her family's goal is to keep her out of pain, and as comfortable as possible. As you can see from the pictures last night the whole family hangs out together. Jill is in the middle, loving every minute. She realizes if she had passed away last week, she would have missed out on these particularly beautiful times with her family as they adjust to this new phase of her life. Her special blessings have been the one on one time with her kids in the evening. Last night she had a special time with Brigitte that meant so much to her. One morning , it was Casey at 4 in the morning!
Each member of the family is treasuring any of this special time that they have.
One of her favorite songs that she listens to on her Ipod is "Imagine" by Mercy Me. One of the lyrical lines says --" I can only imagine, what it will be like, when I walk by your side. I can only imagine what my eyes will see when your face is before me, I can only Imagine.....". its a song about heaven and where she is going. She keeps this always close to her to listen to.
We are praying for the Lord's will for Jill and her walk on this earth. We know the days are numbered, as they are for each of us. But she wants you to know also that God is Faithful and He is with her,.... . Jesus is walking by her side.
We are praying for the Lord's will for Jill and her walk on this earth. We know the days are numbered, as they are for each of us. But she wants you to know also that God is Faithful and He is with her,.... . Jesus is walking by her side.
Pictures to Share:
1. Tucker our nephew wrote a special note to Aunt Jillie Bean and he drew his first heart. Thank you so much Tucker. Aunt Jillie Bean loves this especially because it is from you.
2. Louie, our brother, Nicky and Jill taking a walk on the floor. It is a special memory for the 4 of us to take this walk together. I am here behind the camera taking the picture.
Thank you for your continued concern and your prayers for our Jill. More tomorrow. Sweet dreams my dear sister.
From Lorette
It meant so much to me to hear your voice today, even though it was brief and you dozed off while talking. (=
You are right, I can also picture Tucker sitting there in the bed with Brigitte and Bonnie watching last nights movie with you all. Sitting in a crowd of people he loves, who love him, and soaking it all up! He sounds like you!!! (=
(He proudly took his Superman lunch box that you gave him to school, making sure I remembered it was you who gave it to him.)
I had wondered if you had heard this song, "I can only imagine." I am so glad you love it too. I can remember hearing it for the first time a few years ago, I can't help but cry even now and lift my hands in worship when I hear it. It is so powerful to me. I decided a long time ago, when God decides it is Emily's time to go Home, I want this played at her memorial as we remember her through videos and pictures. The comfort of imagining this song through her eyes. I can only imagine what it will be like...to see her walk and bow before her Father; to run and sing and talk; her talking! and telling us all she has heard, felt and thought all this time; to be free from her seizures and constrictions of the body she has been given on earth. It is so so hard to imagine, but so comforting to. What beautiful words to describe our future and of those we love so dearly. It may sound silly, but it comforts and excites me that you will be there waiting for Emily that day, anxiously awaiting the opportunity to introduce her to her grandmother Michy and great-grandmother Mama Bear and tell them about their grandson Tucker. I can only imagine what it will be like...
Thank you for investing and loving on my family. Evan grew up without aunts, uncles, or cousins in his life. He married me and inherited you (you and a whole bunch of other family too) and you have blessed him by just being you. We all love you very, very much!
p.s. Sorry if I made you cry. I cried while typing too, but have longed to share.
Lorette - well written, good job (=
You hav always been there for me -- giving me strength and hope. You are my inspiration. I am here when you need me and will continue to pray for you nd your family!
Mary C.
I love to see you and your beautiful family all together, smiling and sharing special time together. You are truly an inspiration to all. As always, keep the faith - we are keeping it for you as well with prayers.
Hugs, Tracy Ripley & family
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