Thank you so much for all your comments and notes you continue to send. Jill and Casey and the kids appreciate this so much. Jill said today that as hard as this last weekend had been -- all the tests, prodding, poking, operation etc, and recovery -- the blessings of sitting with her family and enjoying the small joys of life ---just being together has been so incredible. They continue to read the notes that you send her through the blog comments or emails.
Here is another picture from the other night. The kids made a tunnel for her to walk through. She continues to improve each day just a little. She enjoyed another Popsicle, walk down the hallways again, and had a little work out on the spirometer (sp?). This is a breathing tube you blow into or out, to help increase your lung capacity. For anyone who has a major abdominal operation, this is an important exercise of 10 times each hour.
Today, while I was visiting, Jill started to relate the story to us about how the Lord blessed her so much last week, in the midst of pain and deep emotional times.
Through this walk, particularily these last 10 days, has been many blessings. But God is so faithful. One of these blessings came by a lady named Diane. Last Friday when Dr. Umon had spoken to the family and explained about the blockage and the prognosis, the family was very emotional. It was a very difficult time. Then Jill says that one minute later, In came a lady Diane who Jill had met maybe a few times through church. . She had heard about Jill and that she was in the hospital. Diane felt led that she had a word to share with Jill and the family. The timing was perfect Jill says. Jill and Casey said both of them were so amazed by this ladys story and she was such an encourager and and comfort to them as they had to make decisions about the operation and Jill's choices. Jill was talking about this again this morning, She was just remembering how she just knew the Lord was with her and that the words spoken were just for her. Thank you Diane for the blessing that you were to this family.
I had a very short visit with Jill today. Her family continues to surround her with love and devotion. Thank you dear friends for surrounding Jill and her family with your love and prayers.
Today when Fritz, my husband prayed for her, he encouraged her to keep her eyes on Jesus. I thought that was also a good word for each of us. Keep our eyes on Him, and everything else falls into the right perspective. Blessings.
When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, never give up then, for that is just the time that the tide will turn.
-- Harriet Beecher Stowe (via Paula)
This quote reminds me of Jill's tenacity. Never give up. Such an amazing person. Love you.
Fritz is right on, we have to keep our eyes on Jesus!!
Seeing this tunnel of love is such an amazing example of the strength that you are surrounded with each day by family and friends, and by our Lord! He will see you through Jill! I will never forget our time together, and look forward to another visit soon. Our God is ever faithful. "If we are faithless, He will remain faithful..." (2 Tim. 2:13)
Much love and prayers, Diane S.
Yes, Jill. Fritz is right. Keep your eyes on him. I am constantly praying. We are sending our love to you in buckets!
Dear Jill,
My heart and prayers are with you today.
This morning at church the message was, "God is our King", from Mark 11:1-26. One thing that the pastor said truely encouraged me. May it also encourage you. "God is a promise maker and a promise keeper. We can mark his words and take to the bank." Thank you Jesus that you are the One who is ever faithful and what you say happens. God bless you Jill and your family and may the One who loves you completely guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Love you, Lynn
Dear Jill:
Please know that Stephen and I are thinking of you and you are in my prayers and thoughts daily. Thanks for posting the photos- so wonderful to see you with your family and your smile :) Peace be upon you and the family and best wishes from us.
Dear Jill, Casey & Family,
I know you have had so many family members and friends leaving you messages that I have never left you one because I didn't want to bother you and would get my updates from your blog and from my Target family.
But I have been following you for a long time and am always inspired by your will, your fight and your faith. Not only you but your family. I'm positive that you have rubbed off on them.
Actually you rub off on everyone you meet and touch, even if it just from your blog. I am a better person because of you. You remind me to focus on the things that count such as family. Right now Dean and I are at Tahoe with his 91 year young parents enjoying the beautiful scenery and time together. We hope to get them out for a hike or rather walk today with the dogs.
Every time I make jam I think of you and smile at the thought of your garage, filled with preserved food. I have always thought that if we have a big earthquake we would could come to your house as you surely have enough stored in your garage. We could bring the wine!
We think of you, Casey and the kids (actually they are adults now but since I've seen them grow up they will always be kids)often and send you positive thoughts and prayers.
Get healthy and stay positive!
Paula Jean
I love you Jill.
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